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Academic poster

An academic poster is an advertisement of your research and aims to attract and inform your audience. It's key to make it visually attractive and to catch the viewer's eye.

The language policy advisors provide tips, tricks and examples on the dedicated website Taaladvies. Below, you can find a translation …

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level: algemeen
tags: poster  

Assess the quality of a scholarly journal

Researchers can choose from tens of thousands of scholarly journals to disseminate their research results. It's not always easy to find out which ones are reliable.

General guidelines
  • Think. Check. Submit is a checklist to help you identify trustworthy journals and publishers.
  • Have (many of) your trusted peers published in …
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level: algemeen
tags: Biblio   evaluate   journal   open access   open science   quality assessment  

Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM): what is it?

The author accepted manuscript (AAM) refers to a specific version in the lifecycle of a scholarly publication, typically a journal article.

The AAM can often be legally made available in Open Access via Biblio (if necessary after an embargo). For that reason, it is important to be able to distinguish …

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level: detail
tags: Biblio   open access  

Authorship: authorship roles (contribution disclosure – author(ship) contribution statements)


Recognition for a person's effective contribution to a scholarly publication is done primarily through the inclusion, or not, of the names of (individual) contributors on a (more or less) limited list of names associated with that publication.

The place on this list determines in most cases the "importance" of …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   academisch schrijven   article   artikel   ethics   ethiek   integriteit   integrity   journal   tijdschrift  

Authorship: conditions to be included as an author

The conditions 

Researchers who contribute significantly to the creation of the publication are added to the authors list.

This involves 4 (cumulative!) conditions:  

  • a significant contribution to the design of the research, relevant data collection, its analysis, and/ or interpretation;
  • drafting and/or critical reviewing the publication;
  • approval of the final …
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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   academisch schrijven   article   artikel   ethics   ethiek   integriteit   integrity   journal   tijdschrift  

Authorship: what is the Ghent University policy?


Authorship is related to the actual contribution someone makes to a scientific publication.

Various stakeholders in science (research institutions, faculties, funders, publishers, journals, etc.) have developed standards to regulate this aspect of scholarly publishing.


Authorship is an important (co-)factor for the academic impact and reputation of individual researchers …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   academisch schrijven   article   artikel   ethics   ethiek   integriteit   integrity   journal   tijdschrift  

Biblio: Repository policy

Policy information regarding the Biblio publications' repository of Ghent University.

Get access Metadata policy Read more

level: algemeen

Copyright: my rights as an author

As the author of a work, you're the copyright holder. Sometimes, however, you transfer your copyright (the economic rights) to a third party, who becomes the copyright holder in turn. If someone wants to reuse (part of) your work, the copyright holder of your work must grant permission for this. …

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level: detail
tags: academic writing   copyright  

Copyright: the basics in Belgian law


This is Belgian law. The exceptions in the Belgian copyright law are only valid for use of works in Belgium (whether or not the author is Belgian or not is not relevant, as is the country the work is published in).

What is protected?

Works protected by copyright:

- …

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level: algemeen
tags: auteursrecht   copyright  

Creative commons: open licence for copyrighted works

General info

A Creative Commons licence is an open licence. These kinds of licences allow certain, globally recognised, standardised re-use of copyrighted material. It is a so called upfront licence. You don't have to ask for permission to access, share or use a protected work, the permission is granted automatically. …

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level: algemeen
tags: article   Biblio   copyright   journal   open access   open science  


CrimRxiv is a field-specific open access repository where you can publish both preprints and postprints of articles in the field of criminology in open access. It is the only repository dedicated specifically to papers in criminology. By making research available (in the form of pre- and postprints) in green open access, …

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level: algemeen
tags: FRE   open access   open science  

DMP: How do I write a final Data Management Plan?

What is a DMP?

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a formal document that specifies how research data will be handled both during and after a research project.

For more information on using https://dmponline.be for writing a DMP, check this related research tip: https://onderzoektips.ugent.be/en/tips/00001281/.

Do I need a (final) … Read more

level: algemeen
tags: FWO   Horizon Europe   research data management  

Deposit number (D-number) behind a PhD thesis: what is it, is there a link with ISBN and is it obligatory?

What is a deposit number (D-number)?

A deposit number is assigned by the Royal Library of Belgium. It is the code that a publisher is obliged to include on the front or on the back of a book to enable identification of the book and the publisher. 

Therefore, It must …

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level: detail
tags: academic writing   auteursrecht   bibliotheek  

EU funding: what are the Open Access requirements for publications in Horizon Europe?

In Horizon Europe, the European Commission (EC) requires that all peer-reviewed publications resulting from project funding are open access (OA), i.e.,  freely available online with no restrictions on use, by depositing them in a repository. Peer reviewed articles should be made Open Access immediatly after publications, embargo's are no …

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level: algemeen
tags: article   copyright   Horizon Europe   open access   open science  

EndNote: creating a library


1. Open EndNote via Athena 

If you've never used Athena on this device before, install the Citrix client: https://helpdesk.ugent.be/athena/en/ica.php 


2. Click in EndNote on File > New




3. Save the library on your H:Drive, preferably in a separate folder

An .enl file and a …

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level: detail
tags: EndNote   refer  

EndNote: hoe kan je grote aantallen referenties importeren vanuit Embase?

In Embase kunnen tot en met 10.000 referenties tegelijk geëxporteerd worden naar EndNote.   Werkwijze:   - Zorg ervoor dat je EndNote library waarnaar je wil exporteren, geopend is; - Open een webbrowser via Athena waarna je via https://lib.ugent.be de databank Embase opent. Dit maakt het mogelijk om referenties direct … Read more

level: algemeen
tags: academisch schrijven   artikel   EndNote   FFW   FGE   refereren  

EndNote: hoe kan je referenties importeren vanuit ClinicalTrials.gov?

TIP 1: Als je niet ál je zoekresultaten wil exporteren, dien je eerst de gewenste referenties te selecteren. Vervolgens worden deze automatisch tijdelijk bewaard bij 'Saved studies', zie knop rechtsboven.

  • Open je lijst met opgeslagen referenties door te klikken opSaved Studies> Download (rechtsboven)
  • Selecteer het bestandsformaat: Plain text > Download


  … Read more

level: detail
tags: academisch schrijven   artikel   EndNote   FFW   FGE   refereren  

EndNote: hoe kan je referenties importeren vanuit The Cochrane Library?

Stap 1: Selecteer de referenties die je wil exporteren > Export selected citation(s)   Stap 2: Selecteer het formaat Plain Text > vink Include Abstract aan > Download en sla op   Opmerking: niet opslaan als RIS-bestand     Stap 3: Ga naar EndNote en klik op File > Import … Read more

level: detail
tags: academisch schrijven   artikel   EndNote   FFW   FGE   refereren  

EndNote: importing references from Web of Science

You can import up to 1.000 references at the same time from Web of Science into your EndNote library.

To do this, enter your search query > click "Export" > click "EndNote desktop"


You will see a pop-up where you can enter the amount of references you want to …

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level: detail
tags: academic writing   article   EndNote   refer  

EndNote: personalising your reference fields

You can personalise the fields in EndNote in two different ways.

Reference types

You can choose which reference type is your preferred default, e.g: Journal Article. You can also choose which fields a certain reference type needs.

  • Open EndNote via Athena
  • Click Edit > Preferences, click on the tab "Reference …
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level: detail
tags: academic writing   article   EndNote   refer  

EndNote: what is it?

EndNote is software supporting:

  • information management: collect information in one place, group in a relevant structure, comment, add keywords and much more;
  • referencing, footnotes and a bibliography: add references in a text, using the correct reference style ("output style"), make or change reference styles, set up bibliographic lists.

Using reference …

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level: algemeen
tags: refer   refereren  

Evidence-based guideline: how to write a quality guideline

What is an evidence-based guideline?

Evidence-based guidelines (or clinical practice guidelines) consist of statements that include recommendations to help physicians, patients, carers or policy makers make health care decisions in a specific health care setting with the aim of optimising patient care.

Evidence-based guidelines are informed by a systematic review …

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level: algemeen
tags: evidence-based guideline   evidence-based richtlijn  

FileSender: introduction

Ghent University offers and recommends the web application Belnet FileSender for sending large digital (workrelated) files. The advantage of FileSender is that you can send large files up to 6 TB for free and in a safe way. You do not have to create an account when you are connected …

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level: algemeen
tags: research data management  

How to preserve and share data in data repositories?

Preservation and sharing of data in a data repository

The preferred option for data preservation and sharing is to deposit data in an established, trustworthy research data repository.

A data repository is an online platform that is used to: 

  • Publish completed datasets.
  • Share datasets externally with different access levels and …
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level: algemeen
tags: Biblio   data register  

ISBN: what is it and how do I request one?

An ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. It is a persistent identifier and unique, internationally used standard to identify books. The aim of the ISBN is to enable you to quickly and correctly find every published title in databases.

An ISBN is not legally required, but recommended if you …

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level: algemeen
tags: FBW  

Journal: what does "peer-reviewed" mean?

It is essential to researchers to publish in peer-reviewed journals. A peer review means that the quality of the research will be assessed by colleagues (usually before publication). Some monograph publishers also work with peer review, which means that the quality of the books they publish has been assessed by …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   article   journal   quality assessment  

Name change as a researcher: how do you do that?

You want your research to be easily found based on your name. For some of us, this is not self-evident: the name we used at the start of our academic career might not be the one we actually use or the one we want others to use. As a …

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level: algemeen
tags: ethics   integrity  

ORCID: what is it?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provides a persistent identifier that will distinguish a researcher from other researchers throughout their scholarly career. An ORCID is globally unique and will continuously refer to the same researcher. Funders (e.g. NIH, HEFCE, ...) and publishers (e.g.. Elsevier, American Association for the Advancement of …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   BOF   open science  

Open Access colours: green, gold, diamond, hybrid and more

Open Access comes in different colours. While we especially use the term green OA, gold OA and hybrid OA, other terms refine those broader terms.

This tip addresses some of the Open Access flavours.


Diamond Open Access refers to a scholarly publication model in which journals and platforms do …

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level: algemeen
tags: article   artikel   journal   open access   open science  

Open Access in Belgian legislation

On September 5th 2018, the Belgian Official Journal published an Open Access provision in the Belgian law. This law gives authors the right to make scholarly publications available in Open Access with a maximum embargo period of  6 months for Science Technology and Medicine (STM) and 12 months for Social Science …

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level: algemeen
tags: copyright   open access   open science