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Aantal resultaten: 17 Selected category: Funding / GISMO. Search in all tips

BOZI: Newsletter on research and internationalisation (Berichten over Onderzoek en Internationalisering)

If you would like to be kept up to date about funding opportunities for research and mobility, research policy news, science communication activities and other events, making sure you receive the electronic newsletter on research and internationalisation (Berichten over Onderzoek en Internationalisering - BOZI) is a good idea.

Everyone with …

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level: algemeen
tags: FWO   grant   Horizon 2020  

EU funding: Open Research Data for ERC grants - H2020

What is the Open Research Data Pilot?

The European Commission has been encouraging open access to and reuse of digital research data through the Open Research Data Pilot (ORD Pilot), following FAIR data principles:
All research data should be Findable, Accessible,  Interoperable  and  Reusable  (FAIR). The ERC has adopted this …

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level: algemeen
tags: EU   Horizon 2020   Horizon Europe   open science   research data management  

FINPRO: what do I need to do for the financial side of my project?

Both before and after the start of a research project you must take care of the financial administration and management of your project. Ghent University has you covered by making available the FOCUS management system and a central and decentralised network of colleagues with the necessary knowhow about rules and …

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level: algemeen
tags: grant  

FINPRO: what research funding exists for researchers at Ghent University?

You can find an overview on the page Funding opportunities. Funds exists on different levels:

  • via Ghent University
  • on a Flemish level
  • on a federal (Belgian) level
  • on a European and/or international level
  • in the context of development cooperation

Keep up to date with calls and other funding news …

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level: algemeen
tags: BOF   FWO   grant   Horizon 2020   Horizon Europe  

FINPRO: what support does a front officer provide for my projects?

During all crucial phases of the project (from application to closure), a budget holder can call on the support of a front officer for the financial management of research and education projects. At least one front officer has been appointed for each department. This financial expert can be consulted for …

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level: algemeen
tags: GISMO   grant  

FWO: How do I complete the DMP section in my FWO application?

Data management planning as part of FWO policy

As of 2018, the FWO has made Research Data Management (RDM) a key element of its policy for all support channels. This entails new requirements for researchers regarding data management planning (see the UGent RDM webpages for more details on FWO policy). …

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level: detail
tags: FWO   integriteit   integrity   research data management  

FWO: Publications and research data in FWO-applications

Do you have questions on adding a publication list to an FWO project, exported from Biblio? Or on complying to requirements on research data management (RDM) and drafting a data management plan (DMP)?

We wrote some tips to help you in the process:

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level: algemeen
tags: Biblio   FWO  

FWO: which reporting requirements are applicable to research output of FWO projects?

What does FWO require?

FWO requires all information on research results to be submitted to the FRIS research portal if these results originate from a project that is at least partially funded with FWO resources. At Ghent University, fulfilling this requirement is supported through GISMO and Biblio. From these …

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level: detail
tags: FWO   GISMO   grant  

GISMO: How do I upload a DMP and link it to my project?

In this tip, you will find a practical guide to uploading your data management plan(DMP) in GISMO


GISMO acts as a database of all (research) projects at Ghent University.

Access GISMO with your Ghent University account via http://gismo.ugent.be.

Then choose the tab Project. Via the tile overview you …

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level: detail
tags: GISMO   research data management  

GISMO: Research Explorer

GISMO is the Ghent University research information system. This system supports two aims: (1) database of all research related information (researchers with their career details and expertise, projects, publications and other types of output, research activities, equipment etc.) and (2) support/streamlining research related workflows (application and management of research proposals, …

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level: algemeen
tags: GISMO   search engines   search strategy  

GISMO: module Project - submit an application

GISMO allows applications for BOF and IOF funding to be submitted electronically. The conversion of the known calls takes place gradually; some calls are still submitted on paper. Whether an application must be submitted on paper (= pdf by e-mail) or via GISMO is indicated on the specific webpage. The …

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level: detail
tags: BOF   grant  

GISMO: what is it?

GISMO is the Ghent University research information system. This system supports two aims: (1) database of all research related information (researchers with their career details and expertise, projects, publications and other types of output, research activities, infrastructure/equipment etc.) and (2) support/streamlining research related workflows (application and management of research proposals, …

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level: algemeen
tags: GISMO  

ORCID: what is it?

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) provides a persistent identifier that will distinguish a researcher from other researchers throughout their scholarly career. An ORCID is globally unique and will continuously refer to the same researcher. Funders (e.g. NIH, HEFCE, ...) and publishers (e.g.. Elsevier, American Association for the Advancement of …

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level: algemeen
tags: academic writing   BOF   open science  

Open Research Data Pilot and research data management for Horizon 2020 projects

What is it about?

Open data is data free to use, reuse, and redistribute. The Open Research Data Pilot of the European Commission aims to make research data generated by Horizon 2020 projects openly available. There are two main pillars to the pilot: developing a Data Management Plan (DMP) and …

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level: algemeen
tags: open science   research data management  

Orientation year for international researchers with an expiring hosting agreement

International researchers with a hosting agreement can apply for a search year. Like students, this entitles them to stay for 12 months to 'search' for a suitable job in Belgium.

When can you apply for a orientation year?

During your stay in Belgium

After the completion of the host agreement …

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level: algemeen
tags: grant   subsidie  

Research assessment: altmetrics and using Altmetric

What are altmetrics?

Altmetrics are measures that capture the attention a resource generates on the social web or other sources. They can be applied to journal articles, books/book chapters, software, datasets, websites, videos, etc.

Altmetrics attempt to show influence and engagement of work through blogs, reference management systems, scholarly social …

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level: algemeen
tags: evaluate   quality assessment