Biblio: Repository policy

Policy information regarding the Biblio publications' repository of Ghent University.

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Metadata policy

Data policy for full text items

  • Access to some items is restricted.
  • All items are individually tagged with appropriate permissions and terms of use.

Content policy

  • Biblio is an institutional repository.
  • Biblio includes the following item types:

Journal articles


Conference and workshop papers


Reports and working papers

Books, chapters and sections


  • Items are individually tagged with their type and date.
  • Principal languages for content:



Other languages can also occur.

Submission policy

  • Items may only be deposited by authorised users of Biblio with appropriate credentials.
  • Authorised users have a Ghent University account and include:




Curation policy

  • The provided level of curation for items in Biblio is basic metadata curation (brief checking, adding basic metadata, etc.).

Preservation policy

  • Items will be retained indefinitely.
  • Biblio regularly backs up its files according to current best practice.
  • Biblio will try to ensure continued content readability and accessibility of the deposited items.



Last modified June 3, 2024, 8:53 a.m.