Tag: databank

Chapterscan: searching and finding references and content tables of books

It is possible for researchers and students at UGent to request chapter scans of some of the books via the catalogue (lib.ugent.be). You can find a blue button 'Get chapter scan' if we provide this service on a book.

Here are some tips & tricks to make this …

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Database search: how to use search terms?

Each database has its own method to make the contents of that database accessible and consultable. Most databases use "Basic search" and "Advanced search".

Via "Basic search" you can filter the search results after performing a search.

"Advanced search" allows you to choose more specific search …

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JSTOR is a (largely) fulltext multidisciplinary database, originally designed to make the content of academic journals (Journal Storage) easily accessible to universities, but since then supplemented with books and primary sources.

JSTOR employs a 'moving wall': which means that there is a fixed period or gap between the publication …

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