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Web of Science (WoS): introduction

Web of Science (WoS) is a portal of several scholarly databases. Ghent University has access to:

  • Science Citation Index (SCI)
  • Social Science Citation Index (SSCI)
  • Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI)
  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S)
  • Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Science & Humanities (CPCI-SSH)
  • Emerging Sources …
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level: algemeen
tags: article   database   evaluate   FEA   journal   library   sfx  

Web of Science: how to find the impact factor and ranking of a journal?

Open Web of Science

Go to the library catalogue lib.ugent.be > Databases > WoS : Web of Science.

Open the citation reports

Click "Products" in the top right corner to open a dropdown menu. Then click "Journal Citation Reports (tm)."

Look up the journal

Enter the title, the short title, …

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level: detail
tags: database  

Web of Science: saving a search query

If you create a Web of Science account, your search history will be automatically saved.

Click "View your search history" on the left to see your search history. You can create search alerts also.

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level: detail
tags: database  

Web of Science: what is My Research Assistant (app) and how do I use it?

Web of Science (Clarivate) developed a new app to help you access their database from wherever you are. Once you're set up, you don't need to be connected to the Ghent University network anymore! But what can you do with it exactly, and how can you start using it?


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level: detail
tags: database   research question   search engines  


Westlaw is a legal database by Thomson Reuters with a focus on the United States, and a selection of international materials. It contains an extensive collection of American case law (on federal and state level) and a large quantity of secondary sources on more than 30 subjects. The international materials …

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level: algemeen
tags: database   FRE  

Westlaw UK

Westlaw UK, a legal database of Thomson Reuters, provides access to case law, legislation, news, legal journals, commentaries, topical alerts and UK legal materials. It also contains a selection of materials (e.g., case law, legislation) related to the EU. In Westlaw UK, some of the 'International Materials' from the …

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level: algemeen
tags: database   FRE  

Zoeken naar bronnen : Architectuurontwerp I (Bachelor 1)

Wat zoek je?

  • Projectbeschrijvingen
  • Plannen
  • Snedes
  • Foto's
Hoe vind je ze?

Er zijn een aantal go-to tijdschriften waarin je heel snel de verschillende bronnen van projecten kan terugvinden, de belangrijkste zijn: 

Internationaal: Read more

level: algemeen
tags: bibliotheek   FEA   FEA - architecture   kwalitatief onderzoek   onderzoeksvraag  


archINFORM is an online database for international architecture, originally emerging from records of interesting building projects from architecture students from the University of Karlsruhe (Germany). It has become a large online database about world-renowned architects and buildings from past to present. The database contains information (including plans and images) about …

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level: algemeen
tags: database   FEA - architecture