EndNote: how to add and delete references

Once you have uploaded all your references into your EndNote library, you can delete duplicate references and add references manually. You can also edit them manually or automatically.


Add references

Read this tip to learn about importing references from databases.

Add a reference manually:

  • Open Athena and EndNote.
  • Click "Reference" > "New Reference" OR click the clipboard icon with the plus (top right) OR hold the keys ctrl+N.
  • You now opened a new reference. You can change the reference type and fill in the fields.
  • Click "Save".


Delete references

Delete references by selecting them and tapping the "delete" key on your keyboard. You will not see a warning popup.

You can also automatically delete duplicate or double references by clicking "Library" > "Find Duplicates". EndNote will find all double references and show you both side by side, so you can decide which to keep and which to delete.




More tips

Last modified March 20, 2024, 10:36 a.m.