[ENLIGHT] How impact literate are Ghent University researchers and research support staff?

Ghent University is a partner in ENLIGHT - a European University Network formed by nine comprehensive, research-intensive universities to promote equitable quality of life, sustainability and global engagement through Higher Education transformation. ENLIGHT has obtained funding from the European Commission in the framework of the Horizon 2020 programme to develop a joint comprehensive research and innovation strategy among the nine universities, through the ENLIGHT RISE project.

ENLIGHT RISE Work Package 8 has been analyzing the different opportunities and barriers encountered by its universities to embed IMPACT as an integral part of this common research agenda and promoting a culture of impact of research.

At the start of its activities WP8 launched a survey designed to assess how "literate" ENLIGHT universities are in terms of research impact. As we are wrapping up ENLIGHT RISE we are calling upon you to repeat the survey using the online self-assessment tool that was created.

The main goals are:

  • to understand the progress of Research Impact at ENLIGHT partner universities, and the potential impact of ENLIGHT impact efforts
  • to better understand ENLIGHT universities' strengths and weaknesses in research impact and better target ENLIGHT 2.0 impact culture related activities
  • to compare/ learn from other ENLIGHT universities strategies/ policies/ practices
  • to use this exercise for our own institutional developments

Completing the survey takes about 15 minutes. The deadline for submitting your answers is 7 June 2024.


6 mei 2024 08:46