All Belgian and European standards published by NBN, Bureau for Standardization, are collected in the database MyNBN.


Search for the database in the Library catalogue of Ghent University. Click on "View online". UGent has a 'read-only' access to MyNBN. Select "educational establishment: Ghent University" in the login menu, log in with your Ghent University username and password. If you can't login using Internet Explorer, try Chrome or Firefox.

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Search Tips

In the Read-only Reading Room you can search the entire catalogue of NBN by Standard number, Year of publication and Title.
Advanced search offers a number of possibilities:

  • you can search by selecting search fields from the drop-downmenu.
  • you can choose between the operators "AND" and "OR".
  • another option is to enter comparative operators (<, <=, > or =) at the beginning of the search field.

If the PDF-icon next to a standard in the results list is in color, it means that the document is available to read on your screen. You cannot download a pdf. Clicking on the PDF icon leads you to the reading room, while clicking on the standard provides additional information (number, title, date of issue, replacement document, other, ...) about the standard. PDFs are available in English, French, German and/or Dutch.

Meaning of the icons: the prohibition sign next to some standards indicates that the standard has been withdrawn, the alternating arrows indicate that the standard has been replaced by another standard.

It is not possible to save or print a standard/pdf.

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Last modified Oct. 19, 2023, 4:02 p.m.