Acta Sanctorum (Chadwyck) database

Acta Sanctorum is a full text database containing the texts of 68 volumes of the Acta Sanctorum, a series of critical editions of hagiographies, published by Société des Bollandistes between 1643 and 1940. You also have the possibility to search the church writings in the Patrologia Latina at the same time.


You have full access to Acta Sanctorum within the UGent network.

Search operators

Clicking on the button Search opens a search window in which you can search on keyword, title, saint, holy day and gender (whether or not in Greek).

Via the Table of Contents on the left you can access a volume directly.

You can truncate and search on the stem of a word using the "*", eg. Alexand*.

Also the indices can be searched, eg. index topographicus.

Alerts and saving queries

Within a session you can save and combine queries. If you want to save the queries for future use, we advise you to mail yourself the personal  Marked list .


Translated tip

Last modified Sept. 11, 2023, 9:26 a.m.