BELSPO and Royal Higher Institute for Defence : Pre-announcement 3rd DEFRA Call

On 16 December 2022, the Council of Ministers has approved the Defence Science and Technology Programme for 2023, including the third call for proposals of the Defence-related Research Action, DEFRA. This third DEFRA call will be open on 7 February 2023. Five themes will be covered, with a total budget of 8.800k€:

  • CYBER – Automated certification of software
  • Autonomous systems – Human-machine Teaming
  • Open theme SMEs - Research on innovative and future-oriented defence solutions including CBRN and improved ammunition systems
  • Advanced sensor technologies - Radar and (multi)-sensor systems
  • Materials - Protective characteristics


A physical information session will be organised on 13 February at 14h00 at the Royal Military Academy in Brussels. Registration is mandatory. You can register until 10 February 2023, 12h00.


More information on these themes is available on the DEFRA website.

Jan. 20, 2023, 9:58 a.m.