[KBS] 2024 Ernest Solvay Fund - call for projects
The Ernest Solvay Fund is committed to supporting initiatives in Belgium and the countries where Solvay operates, focusing on three key areas aligned with the Company's corporate social responsibility policy. Established with the aim of promoting scientific education and driving sustainable solutions globally, the Fund welcomes applications from individuals and organizations dedicated to making a positive impact.
Originating from the founding families of Solvay, the Fund also serves as a means to support initiatives of general interest that reflect the families' values and priorities.
The Ernest Solvay Fund offers financial support to initiatives in 3 areas:
- STEM education. This concerns Science (mainly chemistry, physics and earth sciences), Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Digital education is also included.
- Scientific progress. Medical and pharmaceutical fields are not included.
- Sustainable development (in relation to climate change, resource use and the circular economy)
Any organization implementing a non-commercial project that helps to promote and encourage:
- the choice of scientific/technological (STEM) education/studies among young people;
- the engagement in scientific research and the environment;
- scientific and technological entrepreneurship.
Applications for scholarships or fellowships in the framework of a doctoral thesis or post-doctoral research are not eligible. Congresses are eligible as long as they bring together young people for educational purposes.
All projects must be located in a country where Solvay is active.
Applications for support can be submitted by completing the online form. Deadline for applications is June 17th 2024.
In autumn, the Fund's Management Committee will meet to select initiatives that are in line with the Fund's objectives.
The results of the selection of this call will be known on November 20th 2024.
More information:
See the call on the website of the King Baudouin Foundation or Solvay.
For general information: KBF Contact Center, info@kbs-frb.be, +3225004555
For specific details: Patricia Van Houtte, vanhoutte.p@mandate.kbs-frb.be, +3225496155
Tom Broeks, Partnerships Global South
May 2, 2024, 10:15 a.m.