[EU] Interactive training: Embedding the gender aspect into research content

In order to obtain research funding, more and more international and national organizations are setting the condition that gender must be taken into account in research.

This concerns 2 tracks:

  • Develop an equal opportunities policy in the research team and in the research institution
  • Taking into account the gender dimension in the content of the research

Researchers often do not know how to integrate both aspects in the research proposal or what the relevance of gender is with regard to their research domain. Therefore this training, provided by gender expert and trainer Katrien Van Der Heyden, is useful for all researchers so that they can discover the relevance of gender and how they can use this as added value when applying for research funding.

It is impossible to cover all research domains, but do pass on your specific question or research topic on beforehand.

Practical information:


  • 16/05/2022 9h-12h




TBD – Live or Livestream via ZOOM

Sign up

Some tips and tricks on tackling gender dimensions in your Horizon Europe proposal: Gender guidelines


More information

Contact the EU-Team or the EU-team Account Manager for cluster Health Evi Lippens


April 13, 2022, 5:24 a.m.